Wednesday, December 28, 2016


人有时候就是喜欢伪装, 伪装成自己很喜欢的样子, 其实内心却又是另外一回事, 完全乖离了本意, 但说到了本意, 大家都会认为是真实的自己, 然而这个真实的外壳底层又是一番别有洞天, 充满了重重埋伏,变化莫测, 甚至惊涛骇浪。这种契机即发生在当内在的渴求与外在的事物相应之时, 随即一触不可收拾, 如有洪水般狂逆之势。
然而结果是悲剧的,眼见得来的随即消失, 剩下的只是 等待 - 恶果成熟。
然而这种贪图还是继续永不言倦的重复下去, 没有丝毫倦意,乐此不疲,就如狂火般烧尽遍林,乃至殆尽。
这就是 - 欲望

Sunday, November 27, 2016

 Renew Your Mind & Rejuvenate Your  Body

Welcome to the best cup of coffee you will consume. Did you know that more than 50 percent of the people in the US drink coffee every single day? The average per person in the States is 3.1 cups of coffee per day, the results of a poll show.

Tongkat Ali coffee is a great beverage but it has the potential to become even more enjoyable and practical. Caverflo natural herb coffee really add's a new dimension to the coffee-drinking ritual.

Caverflo natural herbs coffee combines delicious instant coffee with natural aphrodisiacs. This way, people can enjoy their favorite drink while simultaneously addressing a sexual let down.

Natural aphrodisiacs have been used for centuries and contemporary clinical studies confirm the fact that plant extracts can resolve efficiently a medley of health conditions.

Our formula increases the feeling of energy, stamina, and libido which is also important for satisfactory bedroom sessions. This way, the product addresses several needs. In addition, it tastes delicious, a fact that has made it increase its popularity tremendously.

How It Works!

Caverflo Natural Herbal Coffee is an absolutely all herbal beverage containing instant coffee and three herbs - Tongkat Ali, Maca, and Guarana. These Herbs grow wild in the jungles of Malaysia and have been used for centuries by the people of asia and south america to greatly improve sexual health, libido, and overall wellness in men and women. The combination of these ingredients produces an awesome effect that can last up to 3 - 4 days per 1 pack, with phenomenal Results!

"Caverflo coffee is packaged as an instant coffee, no need for a coffee brewer.

For most just a couple of teaspoons in your "hot cup" of water is enough to feel the full effects, for all others use just one half of the package. You should see results in around 15 minutes."

Interested please view on my 11Street Website:

新旧Mclaren 交替时刻 F1 vs P1

现别讨论新旧的机械科技的进步或动力方面的优势, 今天我想讨论一下外观的变动,对没错,仅仅是外观美学上的讨论及审核。
Peter  Stevens
说实话Mclaren F1 GTR已经问世十几个年头了,但它那几经完美的外观,至今还是让人惊叹, 当年的设计师 Peter Stevens可以说已经把美学发挥到了极致的境界。

当年的F1 GTR可以说是车坛上的神话, 从赛车的辉煌历史及破纪录的372km/h极速造就了其超级跑车的领导者。

经过了十几年的洗礼, 被视为F1 GTR的接班人终于在千呼万唤的情况下正式面世了, 它被称为P1。

老实说,第一眼看下去, 和他的弟弟MP4-12C还真有点像。 然而第一眼的感觉往往就是最真实的感觉,我想我可以这样说,它 并没有带来很大的惊喜,甚至不太能让所有人马上接受。对,你没听错, 是没办法让人第一眼就马上爱上她, 那种滋味。

没错,它的设计很的却很时髦, 但却称不上极致完美, 似乎是偏向迁就着空气动力学而设计出来的模样, 少了美学的点缀

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


我是ERIC,是个帅哥! 哈!